Accountability Coaching
We all at one time or another wish we could talk, text or facetime a guru for an answer. Siri and Alexa can't help that much if we don't know exactly what to ask. Accountability coaching services are available between 8am-8pm Sunday - Saturday. This means that when you are out with friends at a new restaurant and you aren't sure what to can message me personally and I will help you.
Meal Planning
When starting on a diet it's hard to figure out what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. Are you doing this alone? Are you cooking every meal? Do you hate to cook? We'll go through your daily habits and your lifestyle to find the right meal plan that you can accomplish without a headache.
Grocery Lists & Recipes
I love to go grocery shopping and cook. But I know that everyone doesn't share my feelings. So I will search for the grocery stores in your area, the yummiest and keto friendliest foods near you and create recipes with those ingredients. Recipes that are great for 1 person or many. Recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks!