Meet Ashley
Hi there! Welcome!
I'm a 34-year-old wife to my high school sweetheart and mother to 2 beautiful little girls.
Growing up I was super active and could eat whatever I wanted but as we get older and no longer play sports we think we can still eat the same foods and that just isn't the case.
in 2012, I gave birth to my oldest daughter and suffered great with postpartum depression and could not lose the baby weight. I felt tired constantly, hungry constantly and I just didn't feel my best self.
I started an extensive search on the internet about how I could heal my own body and stumbled across the thought process of nutritional health. I read about my blood type and what foods can cause inflammation for me. I made my own cold-pressed juice and drank nothing but my own juice for 21 days.
I did Atkins years ago, I did Weight Watchers, I did calorie restriction, I worked with personal trainers and absolutely nothing would work for more than 3 months.
Well thankfully, I have been eating the Keto Way for 5 years now. in 2013, I decided enough was enough, I would start eating more meat and veggies and cut the carbs and sugars out of my life. 52 pounds down and another baby, now I share my story with my Facebook group and Instagram followers who have reached out to me with daily texts "should I eat this?" "I'm getting too much protein, what should I do?" So in February 2019, I launched my own accountability coaching program for men and women who want a dedicated partner to help guide them through the process and educate them on healthy lifestyle choices that can change their lives for the better.
I am not a doctor or dietician. I make zero claims that I have been through any medical school or formal training. I am coaching and consulting based on my own personal experiences and the group of over 400 people that I have already helped succeed at reaching their health goals.
I recommend that you notify your primary doctor that you are starting a ketogenic diet and that you also get regular blood tests because while keto is great for many people, it does not work for everyone.
UPDATE: Effective Jan 2020, I transitioned to Carnivore after 7 years of keto diet and feel even better.
Recipes & Tips
I love to cook and go grocery shopping, but not everyone shares my passion. I can help you navigate the grocery store and keep you from buying hudreds of cookbooks that just collect dust.

After 5 years on the ketogenic lifestyle, I have crafted several tools to help people get into ketosis and stay there.